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Wednesday, October 21, 2009

谢谢上帝及指导给我这个机会。这是我第一次编曲,是写给2009年毕理学院晚会-歌舞剧《生命之爱》所用。歌舞剧描述了一位毕业生踏入社会时所面对的事。当他的生命没有爱(上帝),所追求的一切都是虚空。直到他遇见了。。。这首歌名为《虚空》,歌词取自于圣经传道书2:11-"...我 察 看 我 手 所 经 营 的 一 切 事 , 和 我 劳 碌 所 成 的 功 。 谁 知 都 是 虚 空 , 都 是 捕 风 , 在 日 光 之 下 毫 无 益 处 。"歌曲是C小调以及多数是以平音为主,虽然只是一首短短的歌曲,但我认为表达的意思非常的丰富。因为当生命没有上帝,是虚空的,是不精彩的。这首歌曲将会在《蒲公英》专辑里出现。敬请期待

- A Day -

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Thank you, Lord for giving a great day... Bcoz it rains heavily this morning... lol... So, sleep late untill around 9 o'clock... I had been not sleeping so late for a long time already... so happy. Wuahahaha... Then, surf for internet for a while after breakfast at home... haiz... do nth... lol... search for a music college- TVU University in London. It is just for reference... I think is a nice uni. There is professional programme available... At noon time, go create a group for a chorale with my friend by using facebook... Hopefully, through this will connect & keep in touch with the members to share the sacred music and others. The connection really poor today... I wonder when the internet connection will be improved... haiz...so we take times there... lol... At night, going to MYF with friends. Unfortunately, we are having Psalm test... lol... without do any preparation, but I finish it too finally...T.T this time I gotta fail the paper... But overall, it considered as a Good Day as well... God lead me...

Words that nobody understand.....

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Since I've been study in MPI for 2 years ady, but I found that I'm so unhappy, sad, & useless of my study. It is because not what I want. But now left 2 sem. I've no objective. I always asking why other student can study what they wish but why I cant? Why? I'm so appreciate them when I asking them why they study the course. It is because they wish. Why I don't have. Must study this just can earn money? (Or, must STUDY just can gain knowledge?) This one sure I know. Why? A lot of why. This is what I wanna share from my heart for a long time. But now cant control myself to endure. I'm really suffer. Nobody knows but only GOD. I thank you, Lord. I know this everything is to train me as a good person. It is because you love me. I will learn to obey you. No other things can trust except you. I know you give me more chance to serve you here. I learn many other things. I'll never forget I have a sweet memories here. Maybe it's for my future. I don't know. But I believe that my holy father is always here for me. I wish to achive my dream one day. God lead me.