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Words that nobody understand.....

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Since I've been study in MPI for 2 years ady, but I found that I'm so unhappy, sad, & useless of my study. It is because not what I want. But now left 2 sem. I've no objective. I always asking why other student can study what they wish but why I cant? Why? I'm so appreciate them when I asking them why they study the course. It is because they wish. Why I don't have. Must study this just can earn money? (Or, must STUDY just can gain knowledge?) This one sure I know. Why? A lot of why. This is what I wanna share from my heart for a long time. But now cant control myself to endure. I'm really suffer. Nobody knows but only GOD. I thank you, Lord. I know this everything is to train me as a good person. It is because you love me. I will learn to obey you. No other things can trust except you. I know you give me more chance to serve you here. I learn many other things. I'll never forget I have a sweet memories here. Maybe it's for my future. I don't know. But I believe that my holy father is always here for me. I wish to achive my dream one day. God lead me.


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